Friday, March 28, 2014

Are those research papers really nessasary?

By Kara P Let’s be honest, nobody really likes to write research papers. Research papers are time consuming, they take a lot of thought process, and they are very precise. Unfortunately at every college all around the world you are going to have to write research paper whether you want to or not. First year English classes are the main classes that you write the most research papers. What is the value of research in a first-year college writing course? I personally think that research papers in your first-year college writing course is very valuable. We as college students have to write research papers no matter what, whether we are English majors, Science majors or Business majors, there will always be research papers. Your first-year college writing course prepares you for those tough research papers you’re going to have to write in your major later on. If you don’t have the proper instruction on how to write a research paper, it could ruin your chance of even getting into the job of your dreams. The research papers you write in your first-year English class has nothing on the research papers you’re going to write later in your major. That first research paper is usually between 5-8 pages long. When you get to that large research paper that you have to do for your major those 5-8 pages are going to seem like nothing compared to a 10 page or even a 20 page paper. When you take these writing courses it gives you a great preparation for these large papers. First-year writing courses teach about writing structure and proper grammar. They also teach how to properly conduct your research, like where to look and whether or not a certain source is a creditable source. So even though nobody really likes to write research papers, we have to anyways whether we would take that first-year writing course or not. The writing course is going to prepare you properly for your future research papers, so you should take them very seriously and work hard to learn and understand. These papers could make or break the future you are working so hard for.

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