Friday, February 21, 2014

What Makes A Good President?

by KaraP It’s important to the United States to have a good president. The president has a lot of power and control of our country. He can make or break us. Luckily we get to vote on who our president is, some countries aren’t that lucky and there government goes by family and who is next in line to run the country. We as Americans have a choice and we have to really pay attention and go by our best judgments on who we vote on to be our next president. We have to think about what truly makes a good president. Five important traits that I think a president should have are intelligence, honesty, persistence, connect with the people and is a good leader. Intelligence of course is important because lets be serious, an unintelligent president isn’t going to do us much good. He has to understand the way the country is supposed to work, he should have understanding of war and how to go about protecting our country in an intelligent way and not just running out guns a blazing. Intelligence is very important. Honesty is also important, nobody wants a president who lies to them, but we don’t normally get so lucky. We have had presidents who promise us one thing but never actually do it when they get elected. Which ties in with having persistence. Persistency is important because when a president tells us that he is going to change something in our country to make it better and we vote for him to give him the chance to make those changes then he needs to be persistent in making those changes when we vote for him. When there is a strong connection between the president and the people, that’s always good, because it means he understands our wants and needs and wants to make things better for his country. And all these things sum up being a good leader, and that’s what’s really important. We need a strong leader who understands his role, takes pride in it and will do everything he can for his country. This country is in strong need of a president with all these traits. No president is perfect by any means, just like no single person in the world is perfect. If only someone who truly had all these wonderful traits would run for president, maybe we could turn this country around and make it as strong as it used to be. Hopefully the people of the United States will start opening their eyes and look for these traits in our next election. Then finally we will all know what its like to have a truly good president again.

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