Saturday, February 15, 2014

What Freedom Means To Me

By KaraP Freedom is a powerful word. Some people view freedom differently than others. My view of freedom ties in with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” This amendment means a lot to me, especially in terms of my religion. To me freedom means to be able to be a strong Christian woman and worship God openly without persecution. I should also be able to speak my mind respectably without being accused of wronging someone or something. I also think that the people of the United States should have a stronger control on who runs our country, like when we elect a president for ethical and social reasons instead of the right reasons and then realize that mistake and have that particular president taken out of office immediately especially when that person try’s to take these rights away from us and goes against our constitution and try’s to destroy our country. I’m sure I’ll offend someone with that comment but if people actually did research and paid attention to the world around them and cared more about their freedom they would know exactly what I’m talking about. Our founding fathers worked hard for our freedom and a lot of people don’t respect that and then lose their freedom. Amanda Knox and Rubin “Hurricane” Carter lost their freedom because they decided they wanted to take others freedom by murdering them. Amanda and Rubin are no longer free as far as being free here on earth there only hope in freedom is forgiveness which everyone deserves but they still have to pay the consequences for their actions. People like Nelson Mandela had their freedom taken away because of political view. I don’t believe he deserved to lose that freedom but it happened. I don’t believe that we enjoy the same freedoms as we used to. Before when it came to freedom of speech we weren’t required to be politically correct we could just speak whatever we wished and nobody took so much offense to it, now we have to be careful about everything we say or we can be labeled as racist or hate groups. Freedom has changed a lot. Christian, white groups have lost a lot of their freedom and we are very much looked down upon now, the country has turned against Christians all together by taking one or two extremist and labeling us all as hate groups or racist. It’s pathetic and sad. Also married couples with children are also starting to be looked down on. We aren’t being put in jail for these things but we are being treated like African Americans were treated when they were fighting for their freedom. In case you haven’t grasped in my ranting, my religion is the most important freedom to me. Its means everything to me. I strongly believe that when I was at my down point and turned to God he made everything better, he gave me my husband and my beautiful daughter, there is nothing more important in life than that. I pray to always have the freedom of religion and I will fight till my death to keep it. I hope I didn’t offend anyone in my blog, wasn’t my intention but I’m just using my Freedom of Speech and of the Press.

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