Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Logical Argument

by Kara P Argument and logic are two different words but tend to work together. Argument to me is when two people have different views on the same topic try to persuade each other to change their views. Logic I think is when you actually have some thought to your reasoning and have evidence to prove a thought or topic. So of course when you are having an argument with someone you should always have logic behind it as well and not just making up everything. When I began my essay about Global Warming and talk about whether I'm for or against it, I'm going to be sure to back up my argument with logical reasoning. I currently believe the Global Warming is really and not something that someone just randomly made up. There is a lot of research and logical thought that has been put to back up Global Warming. I used to not believe in it until I did the research for my topic and had been proven otherwise. You can't win an argument with out some logical reasoning behind it.

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